Online Visualization tools and Data Management Systems

Heritage-UC2One of the most pressing needs of contemporary computation-based research in Digital Humanities (e.g., archeology, urban studies, cultural studies, architecture and digital museology) is overcoming the difficulty faced by methodologies employing digital tools to make a cultural impact, to develop digital platforms that relate directly to social processes and enable researchers to study the contribution of computation not through reductive, analytical methods (via generic, simplified proof-of-concepts) but by means of digital interfaces that resort to the presentation of qualitative described, sensual experiences, rather than through quantitative orientated representations.


Spectral imaging, Transformation Imaging (RTI), combined with 3D technologies can provide a wide range of possibilities with great opportunities for breakthrough contributions to art historical problems. The full exploitation of the data requires the integration of specialized visualization tools developed for the specific imaging technology. Advanced repositories and data management systems are needed to directly tackle the technological advancements in imaging technologies. The list of tools and services provided to user communities includes:

  • Annotations on image/3d model;
  • Upload zipped PTMs>Extract 3D model;
  • Change textures on 3D model;
  • Convert .obj to x3D;
  • Giga-image viewer;