VI-SEEM National dissemination event, 27 February 2017, Zabliak, Montenegro

The VI-SEEM national dissemination event in Montenegro was organized during XXII International Scientific Information Technology Conference 2017, which took place in Žabljak, Montenegro. The conference covered interesting presentations and round table discussions on development trends in the field of information and communication technologies including current activities in this field in Montenegro.

At 27th February, during the plenary part of the conference, we presented all relevant information about VI-SEEM project objectives, activities, available computing and storage resources, research areas and their applications. After overview of the project, special focus was given to the Montenegrin contribution i.e. molecular dynamics simulations performed by our team. PSOMI application was presented, achieved results and planned activities in future work. Finally, we explained importance of molecular dynamics simulations in drug design, life science and medicine at all. There were 20 participants from three Montenegrin universities, Institute for marine biology, the first Montenegrin center of excellence and other participants from technical faculties from region. The possibility of including other researchers from Montenegro in the project next call is considered.

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